Welcome to the Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy services for the University of Leeds are mainly located in the Emmanuel Centre, next to the Laidlaw Library.
The Chaplaincy is here for staff and students. We are looking at arrangements for the Chaplaincy to ensure that it is providing appropriate support to all members of our University community.
Chaplains are available for drop-in visits and for appointments, and we have a 24/7 out-of-hours phone service.
Use the Chaplaincy:
- Whether you have a faith (Christian, Jewish, Muslim etc.) or have no religious beliefs.
- When you need someone independent and confidential to talk to.
- If you’re finding life difficult or you have a tricky decision to make.
- If you have lost someone close to you.
- If you want to explore spirituality.
We will not try to make you religious, we are here to help you in any way that we can.
You can choose to see any of the University's chaplains and faith advisors. Call the main office on 0113 343 5071 or email the University Chaplaincy office via email the University Chaplaincy office via chaplaincy@leeds.ac.uk to check availability, or just call by.
Christian Chaplaincy
The Emmanuel Centre contains chaplaincy spaces managed by the Universities’ Chaplaincy in Leeds. There is space for private prayer upstairs in the Claire Chapel. For more information about current activities, upcoming events and current opening times at the Chaplaincy visit the main Christian Chaplaincy website.
Chaplaincy Office: 0113 343 5071, chaplaincy@leeds.ac.uk
Interim Lead Chaplain – Revd Samantha Sheehan
Samantha joined the Christian Chaplaincy team in 2018. She works on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Emmanuel Centre and you can make an appointment with her by calling 0113 343 5070 or email Revd Sheehan: email Revd Sheehan: s.sheehan@leeds.ac.uk.
Universities Chaplaincy in Leeds Trust Coordinating Chaplain: email Robin Fishwick: r.fishwick@leeds.ac.uk.
Muslim faith support
Muslim faith advisers and other colleagues work together to provide support for Muslim students and staff, as well as welcoming and building community for all at the University. They offer:
- individual support appointments,
- advice on different aspects of faith in university and everyday life,
- partnership with student societies,
- support for permanent and temporary prayer spaces on campus,
- welcome and community activities and a Ramadan events programme.
Muslim Student Adviser Sister Jaan Malik joined the University in 2023. Sister Jaan is experienced in working with people, especially those who are struggling with different issues in life. She is here to listen, to talk to, or provide support and guidance from an Islamic faith perspective.
Sister Jaan works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. You can contact Sister Jaan on her workdays by emailing j.malik@leeds.ac.uk or call her mobile: 07543800508.
Information and support for staff is also available from the Equality & Inclusion Unit by emailing equality@leeds.ac.uk and from the Muslim Staff Network by emailing msn@leeds.ac.uk.
Jewish Chaplain
You can learn more about Jewish Chaplaincy at the National University Jewish Chaplaincy website.
Campus prayer spaces
You can find more information about campus prayer spaces on the For Students website.
Student faith societies
Student faith societies at the University are run by students for students. They help to connect students with faith communities and activities on campus and in Leeds. Follow societies’ social media to find out about opportunities for prayer, faith celebrations and social events. Learn more about student faith societies on the Leeds University Union Engage website.
Other sources of help and support
Visit the University’s website showing the full range of Support and Wellbeing Services available.
Learn more about support is available via Student Counselling and Wellbeing.
The University’s Harassment and Misconduct team can provide support to anyone who has experienced or witnessed harassment or abuse. You can report incidents on the Report and Support portal or by emailing the Harassment and Misconduct team: reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk.
LUU’s Student Advice Centre provides a range of advice for many situations that can affect your health and wellbeing, including handling online bullying.